Self-portrait, April 2003 (180x60cm) analog. no digital manipulation
captured on 6x6 B&W film Ilford Pan F Plus.
without postproduction.
adjusted on 3 mm Dibond plate.
Doe, 2003 (100x100 cm) analog. no digital manipulation
captured on 6x6 B&W film Ilford Pan F Plus.
adjusted on 3 mm Dibond plate.

Waterlily, 2003 (100x100 cm) analog. no digital manipulation
captured on 6x6 B&W film Ilford Pan F Plus.
adjusted on 3 mm Dibond plate.
Act, 2005 (100x80 cm) analog. no digital manipulation
captured on 6x4,5, B&W film Ilford Pan F Plus.
without postproduction.
Still Life with Vase, 2005 (45x60 cm) analog. no digital manipulation
captured on large format camera 6x9 B&W film Ilford Pan F Plus.

Personal Jesus, 2005 (100x100cm, Dibond) analog. no digital manipulation
captured on 6x6 diapositive film Fuji Velvia 50F.
flashes with colored gel filters - without postproduction.
the real size of those pics is 100x100 cm - adjusted on 3 mm Dibond plate.

The Message, 2005 (100x100cm, Dibond) analog. no digital manipulation

My Blue Guitar, 2005 (100x100cm, Dibond) analog. no digital manipulation

The Shower, 2005 (100x100cm, Dibond) analog. no digital manipulation
My Bed, 2005 (100x100cm, Dibond) analog. no digital manipulation
captured on 6x6 diapositive film Fuji Velvia 50F.
flashes with colored gel filters - without postproduction.
the real size of those pics is 100x100 cm - adjusted on 3 mm Dibond plate.

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